
Showing posts from March, 2024

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 12 (audio) Career & Networking Strategies for the Job Success with Jim Pagiamtzis

 The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 12  (audio) Career & Networking Strategies for the Job Success with Jim Pagiamtzis Listen to Audio below.                                                            

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 11 (audio) Harnessing A.I. to Elevate Experience Design Global A.I forum by Noman Siddiqui

 The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 11 (audio) Generative A.I shared at Global A.I forum by Noman Siddiqui                                                                                                                                        Noman Siddiqui  sharing                                                                                                                 Noman Siddiqui presentation topic     Listen below                                                    

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 10 (audio) Artificial Intelligence shared at Global A.I event with Hisham Qaddoumi

  The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 9 (audio) Digital Content and Politics: How Regulations Affect Canadian Podcasts with Hisham Qaddoumi                                                    

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 9 (audio) Digital Content and Politics: How Regulations Affect Canadian Podcasts with Hisham Qaddoumi

  Digital Content and Politics: How Regulations Affect Canadian Podcasts Since the passing of Bills C-11 and C-18 in the Canadian Parliament, a series of retaliatory actions took place by some big social media corporate (like Meta) to revenge the regulations by punishing Canadian content creators. What do Canadians content creators (especially Podcaster) need to know about these bills and how to deal with the new instated procedures by big social media corporates to ensure the future of their digital content (Podcasts) and avoid being banned from these platforms. This session will discuss these bills and the effect they have on Canadian digital content and how Canadian podcasters can navigate their digital content / podcasts under these new regulations and their repercussions. Key Take Aways Introduction to Bills C-11 and C-18 Why these Bills were introduced and their pros and cons How Digital Tyranny played a role in punishing Canadian Content Creators Will these Bills affect the Free

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 8 (audio) Interviewing to Get Your Guests Talking with Janice Neil

  A podcast with an interview format lives and dies by the strength of the interviewer. While there’s plenty of advice urging hosts to ‘just have a natural conversation’ with the guest, the interviewer is responsible for guiding the conversation. Without that, the podcast host and guests may just blather. How can hosts learn to ask questions to get their guests to reveal who they are, how they think, and share information that hasn’t been revealed on other shows. While there are no hard and fast rules in an interview, one almost-forgotten interviewing guru has created a set of principles for effective interviewing, that are deceptively simple. John Sawatsky was one of Canada’s best investigative reporters. He approached interviewing with the rigour of a science, and so became a trainer for journalists around the world for three decades. In this presentation, I’ll lead participants through Sawatsky’s method to demonstrate how you can get the interviewee to do most of the talking, reveal

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 7 (audio) The Smart Podcaster: How AI Can Help with Existing or New Podcast- Hisham Qaddoumi

  The Smart Podcaster: How AI Can Help with Existing or New Podcast AI is been used for everything as it made it easy and cheap to automate tasks of all types. The new rising generating AI is now gaining human-like creativity (on a limited scale) that helps spark the actual human creativity and speed up the process of content creation. Podcasters can make a lot of use for those AI tools to help booting their existing podcast or even to start a new one. In this session we will learn how to utilize some of these tools to improve or to start a new podcast and lead up to success by mixing our unmatched human creativity with the abilities of the Generative AI tool that are available for free or very affordable prices. Key Take Aways How to get over our AI fear and start utilizing it for our benefit What is Generative AI and how does it compare to human intelligence and creativity? Why and how a none-technical podcaster can learn and use AI to boost or start their podcast Useful AII tools to

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 6 Sonic Sorcery: A Dive into Sound Design and Editing Wizardry with Rob Johnston

  Sonic Sorcery: A Dive into Sound Design and Editing Wizardry Let’s dig in together and talk about tips and tricks to bring the sound, editing, and style of your podcast to the next level. In the world of binge listening you want your podcast to shine and stand out from the others, so how can we do that from the production side? In this session we’ll take a look at editing techniques, pacing strategies, plug ins that make your content pop, and collaborate together to find solutions to challenges you might be having. Bring your questions, and your knowledge! Podcast editing and sound design can be an intimidating mountain to climb, but once you get a foot hold on it, the potential is limitless and rewarding. Hosted by Rob Johnston, an award winning podcast editor and sound designer for Curiouscast, Rob will guide the discussion and encourage questions and participation. He will also bring along some of his shows like The Ongoing History of New Music, Deadman’s Curse, History of the 90’

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 5 (audio) Lessons Learned being a Podcast Professional - Jim Pagiamtzis

Lessons Learned being a Podcast Professional with Jim Pagiamtzis  It’s Showtime!!! You got a name for your podcast and everything is ready to go! Is your guest prepared to have an awesome interview with you? Sadly in most cases they are not, leading to a very difficult and discombobulated conversation with you. This is when you need a Plan from presentation to promotion. Preparing your guest is a simple preproduction process with a repeatable template you can use all the time! When the Podcast begins and conversation starts, it should flow and if it doesn’t, what can you do to pivot and keep it on track? And the recording is complete now it’s time to edit and put together the final presentation to present to your listeners in audio and video format. This is where the magic begins to make your subscribers want more… Key Take Aways Why having a template is important Having the guest prepared helps the process Trust the process and be ready to pivot if needed Editing is where the magic ha

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 4 (audio) Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast- Marco Trumpiano

  Top 10 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast Join Marco Timpano, an acclaimed podcaster, producer, and performer, for a transformative workshop experience at PodCamp. As an instructor of Podcast Fundamentals at George Brown and a multi-award-winning expert in the field, Marco brings unparalleled insights to this session. Drawing from his book, “25 Things I Wish I Knew Before I Started My Podcast,” Marco provides novice podcasters with invaluable information and tools to kickstart their podcasting journey. Learn from his experiences, successes and failures as he delves into crucial aspects you should be aware of before embarking on your podcasting venture. In this session, Marco candidly shares some of the significant mistakes he made when launching his award-winning podcasts, offering practical advice on how to avoid them. Discover time-saving podcasting tips that Marco has acquired along his journey, making the recording, editing, and producing processes seamless and effi

The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 3 (audio) How To Create And Market A Fictional Podcast Series! Adam Murciano

  How To Create And Market A Fictional Podcast Series! Adam Murciano is  the founder of 911 Podcasts. In just the 2 years we’ve been out, we have launched three full-cast fictional podcast series :  CASCADIA (Sci-Fi), ICE-CREAM (Horror), and our recent one SUPERMARKET (Sitcom). In total, our series have accumulated close to a million global downloads, reached #1 on Apple Podcast Fiction Charts, Top 10 on Spotify Podcasts US charts, been featured by Spotify as “Best New Series” in 2022 and got to headline a panel at the 2022 Toronto Comicon with our cast! In  this  workshop,  Adam will  take you through every step it takes to create a fictional podcast! From: – Concept & Greenlighting your idea (Does it have legs to be a series? Is it multi-season? Limited season? Maybe it’s a feature audio-movie…) – Writing process (How to write for fiction audio and when do you know your script is ready to record?) – Casting (How to find the perfect cast. Working with the actors union, ACTRA or pe

The Pro on the Go Podcast (audio) Season 4 Episode 2 Lessons Learn being a Podcast Professional with Jim Pagiamtzis

                                              Lessons Learned being a Podcast Professional (practice session)   It’s Showtime!!! You got a name for your podcast and everything is ready to go! Is your guest prepared to have an awesome interview with you? Sadly in most cases they are not, leading to a very difficult and discombobulated conversation with you. This is when you need a Plan from presentation to promotion. Preparing your guest is a simple preproduction process with a repeatable template you can use all the time! When the Podcast begins and conversation starts, it should flow and if it doesn’t, what can you do to pivot and keep it on track? And the recording is complete now it’s time to edit and put together the final presentation to present to your listeners in audio and video format. This is where the magic begins to make your subscribers want more… Key Take Aways Why having a template is important Having the guest prepared helps the process Trust the process and be ready to

The Pro on the Go Podcast (audio) Season 4 Episode 1 Is the Media Still the Message? Exploring the Information Landscape - June Findlay

    Is the Media Still the Message? Exploring the Information Landscape The idea of media has existed for as long as we can remember, but it’s changing quickly in real-time, and much faster than we can consider its effects on our lives, on and offline. With the rapid introduction of AI, AGI into the information landscape, the new ways to think about podcasting, the shocking changes to the current (legacy) media landscape, and the major shift in social media platforms, it can be quite overwhelming to think about what it all means, and how to navigate the changes in real time, both as a content creator and as a media consumer. Using McLuhan’s famous slogan as a guide, social media expert, professor and cultural critic June Findlay will lead this discussion to explore the current changes in our media landscape, how to navigate them in your online and offline life, and how to harness the opportunities that present themselves in your content creation, whether on your podcast, social media f