The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 9 (audio) Digital Content and Politics: How Regulations Affect Canadian Podcasts with Hisham Qaddoumi

 Digital Content and Politics: How Regulations Affect Canadian Podcasts

Since the passing of Bills C-11 and C-18 in the Canadian Parliament, a series of retaliatory actions took place by some big social media corporate (like Meta) to revenge the regulations by punishing Canadian content creators. What do Canadians content creators (especially Podcaster) need to know about these bills and how to deal with the new instated procedures by big social media corporates to ensure the future of their digital content (Podcasts) and avoid being banned from these platforms.

This session will discuss these bills and the effect they have on Canadian digital content and how Canadian podcasters can navigate their digital content / podcasts under these new regulations and their repercussions.

Key Take Aways

  • Introduction to Bills C-11 and C-18
  • Why these Bills were introduced and their pros and cons
  • How Digital Tyranny played a role in punishing Canadian Content Creators
  • Will these Bills affect the Freedon of expression for Content Creators?
  • What to do to ensure the continuity and flourishment of your Podcast under the new regulations



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