The Pro on the Go Season 4 Episode 6 Sonic Sorcery: A Dive into Sound Design and Editing Wizardry with Rob Johnston

 Sonic Sorcery: A Dive into Sound Design and Editing Wizardry

Let’s dig in together and talk about tips and tricks to bring the sound, editing, and style of your podcast to the next level.
In the world of binge listening you want your podcast to shine and stand out from the others, so how can we do that from the production side?

In this session we’ll take a look at editing techniques, pacing strategies, plug ins that make your content pop, and collaborate together to find solutions to challenges you might be having.
Bring your questions, and your knowledge!

Podcast editing and sound design can be an intimidating mountain to climb, but once you get a foot hold on it, the potential is limitless and rewarding.

Hosted by Rob Johnston, an award winning podcast editor and sound designer for Curiouscast, Rob will guide the discussion and encourage questions and participation. He will also bring along some of his shows like The Ongoing History of New Music, Deadman’s Curse, History of the 90’s, and 13 Hours, to show you some of the tricks he’s used to create the sound, pacing, and style of these award winning shows.

Key Take Aways

  • the importance of pacing and trusting your eyes and ears when editing
  • the benefit of templates
  • don't sit back...find ways to constantly improve the product
  • don't be afraid to won't break the podcast of the episode
  • plug ins are there to help


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